
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 12

     This week has been pretty stressful so far. My moderation was extremely bad this Sunday. I left all my Lord of the Flies questions for Sunday night (except chapter 2-5). It caused me to go to sleep very late as I also got distracted along the way. I think the only good moderation I've had this weekend was the fact that I didn't eat all my Halloween candy at once and that I still have. Although, I will say my assertiveness is improving a little bit. I've been doing pretty bad in my geometry class regarding participation. I've been so tired that I haven't participated a lot but I talked to my friend yesterday and he reminded me of how I shouldn't be afraid of participating even if I might get the answer wrong. That has helped me a little as to how I should be doing good in class. Now, for confidence... I have been improving my confidence with the ball when I'm playing soccer. I'm still not very good at controlling it but my defense is getting better because I'm not as afraid of pressuring my opponent. I hope to keep improving.

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  1. Admittedly, the lord of the flies chapter questions did take a long time to do, especially without doing any to begin with, but you did do chapters 2-5 before Sunday, so an achievement was made. Your friend is wise to tell you that, as well. Plus, he might just grade you better for raising your hand, if only to get a wrong answer. As for soccer, the first step to controlling the ball is taking it away from your opponent, especially for defense, so don't worry.

  2. I think most of us if not all, left the lord of the flies question for that Sunday as well, and as for me I spent my whole day doing them because unlike you, I hadn't even started them. Yes, that can be a big blow to your moderation, but if you want to stay positive, you can say that you did this blog on a Tuesday instead of the Friday in which it is due. As for soccer, it is a good thing that you are trying new things and actually putting yourself out there to try your best. And Timpilis, well let's not talk about his class. Whoever that friend was, probably Kendrick, he is very correct, my friend, we have to try our best specially in his class for participation.

    1. hahaha thanks also the friend wasn't kendrick but a friend out of state :)

  3. Honestly this week was just ugh, a good amount of stuff to deal with but hey we pushed through and i mean you relaxed with your friends at kendricks party. And now we have the super long weekend thanks to thanksgiving with barely anything from school this week. Thats good, and even if u left those to last second you put a lot of work in this school year so that shouldnt be your biggest worry. This was short but its 11:30 and im tired bye. \(0-0)/
